Saturday, September 20, 2008


When was the last time you went to the drive-in? I think it was in 1982 - about 26 years ago. This evening we went to the drive-in at 5650 N. 55th Ave., Glendale, AZ, 85301 - run by West Winds Drive-Ins. There are 9 screens there.

The last time I was at a drive it you picked the sound box off a post and hung it on your window. Now you tune your radio station to a given channel to get the sound.

We took our SUV and parked it backwards and had an inflatable mattress already pumped up in the back with the seats folded down and a few cushions. Popcorn, pretzels and beer. It's still pretty hot out so we had to keep the windows down. A number of people had chairs out and plenty of kids running around.

We watched Tropic Thunder (average to bad) and then the first half of Iron Man which was enjoyable up to when we left (had to get home for a call) and it looked like it could have had potential.

We'll definitely be doing that again. Next time might try the one in Scottsdale.

1 comment:

Ann ODyne said...

oh that is so wonderful. I loved drive-in culture.

have you made the trip to Henry Ford Village Museum in Detroit where there is an indoor drive-in with classic cars parked at all the posts and it shows retro film.
It is worth the trip.