I had a bit of fun blurring the name out of the picture so you couldn't read what it is. I thought that the word pixelate was the correct verb nowadays for blur but it turns out that paint.net (excellent paint replacement for windows) uses the very blur for the function of blur. Had I used the obvious it wouldn't have taken me so long to find.
It's a large pop corn maker!
Pop corn for the Gods? No cigar I'm afraid.
Is it some sort of scientific data collection apparatus? Reminds me of something I read about trying to capture neutrinos (which are some of the smallest particles known to man).
No, it's for a type of sport.
I hope you're not going to keep us waiting a month for the answer!
That would be inhumane. It's a sky diving simulator or vertical wind tunnel. The pipes at the top dilute the pressure so that you don't get spat out the top.
Now I have to ask - where???
I was thinking "Grain Elevator".
It's at Eloy Municipal Airport near Casa Grande. $50 buys you 2 minutes floating in the air. That's 42 cents a second.
We did the Catapult ride (http://www.lagoonpark.com/show_ride.php?id=12)
at the Lagoon in Utah some years back - it was $20 per person (the launch time itself only lasts about 5 to 10 seconds) for the first ride, and you could buy a second ride for $10.
So I spent $120 on four of us riding twice each.
And haven't been able to regret it :)
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