Friday, May 25, 2007


I was watching a snippet on the morning news a couple of days ago and discovered that not too far from us is the ultimate doggy spa and salon. It appears that they offer everything for your dog that could be offered for a human. They will wax, oil, cut, brush your dog and even give it a pawdicure.

I often wonder which country loves their animals more: Britain or US. I remember watching the Grand National in the UK with my grandmother many years ago and when a horse and rider fell my grandmother would let out a gasp and say "I hope the horse is alright."


Anonymous said...

i'm being presumptious but i cannot envisage a dog enjoying a wax. moreover who wants to see a dog with a brazilian?

Rob said...

I sympathise with your Grandmother. The rider had the choice - I'm not convinced the horse did!

Guy Ellis said...

miker: I would be surprised if a dog enjoys any of the treatments but agree that the wax must be an unusual experience for them. It does, however, explain why there are so many sexy bitches wandering these streets.

rob: They're not being made to do anything unnatural. This is the same thing that they would do if galloping as a herd in the wild.