Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The time is right to reach your goals

The fortune cookie (which I rarely eat) that came with lunch today said "THE TIME IS RIGHT TO REACH YOUR GOALS." The caps are theirs not mine.

This couldn't be more off target. They've given it to a man who has no goals.


Mark said...

My fortune cookie today read: "You will have a romantic evening tonight"

Hmmm... I didn't know my wife was going out tonight...

Guy Ellis said...

For you Mark - a toast to wives and lovers - may they never meet. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid that I DO have goals, but my only real goal is getting rid of those goals.

Guy Ellis said...

The most envious goal of all is to have no goals. Once you have achived that you will embark on a journey to try and find a goal.