Sunday, October 13, 2013

Moro Blood Orange

We have a new tree in our orchard as of 10/10/2013. A Moro Blood Orange.

It currently stands at exactly 3 feet tall and comes from Willits & Newcomb Citrus Nursery. We bought it from Costco about 2 weeks ago.

Costco are clever. They know how blazingly hot Arizona gets so they only sell their citrus trees in the fall. The last one that we bought was a Navel Orange from them around a year ago, also in the fall.

The blurb on the ticket on this orange tree reads: This Italian variety is the earliest ripening blood orange. Medium size fruit has reddish-orange rind and deep burgundy flesh. Juicy fruit has rich orange-raspberry flavor, a distinctive aroma and few seeds. Fruit ripens December to April. Medium size tree produces fruit in clusters near the outside of the tree. An attractive ornamental.

Care instructions: Water regularly during first growing season to establish a deep, healthy root system. Do not over-water! Feed monthly during growing season with a citrus fertilizer. Remove all growth below bud union.

30 September 2014 Update

The blood orange produce great flowers in the spring and lots of small fruit but none of it set. Over the last few weeks of milder weather and rain it has started growing rapidly but more outwards than up with is great.

Strangely it seems to have shrunk and is now 5 inches shorter at 31 inches.

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