Thursday, May 25, 2006

An Afternoon with Alice Cooper

On the now exceptionally popular one red paperclip blog he is trying to trade up an afternoon with Alice Cooper. I think that a lot of people may view the trade to Alice Cooper as a trade down and not a trade up, however, if there's one thing that one red paperclip has showed us and that is the value that you give to one item is very different from the value that someone else gives to that same item.

What has surprised me is that we are moving from tangibles to non-tangibles in an effort to get to brick and mortar - very tangible.

Anyway back to the matter at hand. Getting Kyle a house. Well Dan from is trying to sell his house for $630,000. I am just wondering what value Dan attaches to an afternoonn with Alice Cooper? $630,000? Unlikely, but possible. I'm going to put the two of them in touch with each other...

Good luck Kyle!
Good luck Dan!

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