Monday, May 22, 2006

Amanda UnBoomed

I've just discovered that Amanda Congdon has both a personal blog here on Amanda UnBoomed and a personal web site: Amanda Congdon which I wanted to included here for completeness.

Actually that completeness stuff is a bit of a lie. The reason that I have finally started posting to this blog (after ignoring it for over a year) is to do away with the millions of notes on my desktop and to store everything somewhere that I can easily find it AND I can now say "the info that I've just mentioned is on my blog" instead of "I'll try and remember to email you the link when I get home."

By the way - very impressed with the special FX on Amanda's personal site - kudos to the designer/programmer who did that.

Here's a questions for you (leave a comment with the answer): Where did you first hear of Rocketboom from (assuming that it was not here)?
My answer: From the CSI episode in which Amanda played herself.

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